
Mad Foxes


Hal, driving a fancy Stingray kisses Babsy, as a band of bikers roll up. Their leader taunts Hal and spits on him. Hali forces one of the bikers into a fatal accident. Hal gets Babsy at a club, the bikers, waiting outside beat him up and Babsy is brutally raped.

Hal hires a friend who runs a kickboxing school. At the bikers funeral for their fallen buddy, the kickboxers show up, beat than and castrate their leader. The bikers retaliate, at the kickboxing school with machine guns.

Two nude lovers on a beach get dressed and start hitchhiking when Hal drivest by. Lily, gets in the car with Hal. Lily and Hala end up at his parents" estate. As Hal and Lily make love in the forest, thet bikers show up and kill the family and servants. Hal, armed with guns and grenades, finishes off the bikers.

The surviving castrated leader holds Hala and Lilyi at bay with a bomb, which he blasts.

A must for fans of the absolute extremes.

Darsteller: Crew: